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March 6, 2008

Extra Credit or Not

Mr. Jupena and I have decided that instead of giving you some Chapter 5 extra credit, we will be giving a second Chapter 5 test. (Date to be announced, but before the midterm.) The grade issue is still up in the air. We are not sure if we will average the two grades,  replace the grade or use the test to supplement the standing grade, but regardless of the choice we make, this decision will only serve to benefit you. 

Now, do some math.


Charlie said...


Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!!thank you. Anything is better than that 77

Anonymous said...

sweeeet!! i really need that!!! so does that replace our class test or were u talking about a different test???

Anonymous said...

please let it replace our 75! even if we averaged the two scores, the highest you could get would be like an 88. and that's if you get a 100 on the ch.5 test!

Anonymous said...
