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Fractal Math?
The process of generating this fractal is based on an extremely simple equation involving complex (imaginary) numbers. This is an example of the Mandelbrot Set. It is an infinite pattern.
We should spend a day learning what the heck fractal math is. And what the Mandelbrot set is. Why don't we?
Brian your to smart :D
~~~~~ Mister Xplisit ~~~~~
How do these guys get pictures out of i
that was pretty cool but it made me dizzy
i really like this video.
it is really neat
whoa, this is so crazy! I'm not sure I understand it, but it's very cool.
wow i just watched that while listening to through the eyes of the dead and the rythym almost exactly matched the image transitions... that was cool but i dont think our paper is big enough to make one of those haha
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