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February 29, 2008

maybe you prefer art to math


Anonymous said...

these are like the dogs that are on sesame street they paint and dance and go to the grocery store and cool stuff like that

Anonymous said...

This is really creepy.

Anonymous said...

hey ms. smyth. its kei. and this dog movie is just a little random....

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Smyth,
I finally left you a comment! I remember seeing a video like this before, but i have no idea where. cool blog!

Anonymous said...

ms. smyth, i think your cat has a beautiful name.

-blake mitchell shelton

Anonymous said...

wow Mrs. Smyth
that was probably the greatest
thing i have ever seen. haha jk but i love it. well see ya tomorrow~~!!!

Anonymous said...

you know...He's painting a nude model, if dog have clothes...